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EP56: Sean Fioritto on succeeding after failing Episode 56

EP56: Sean Fioritto on succeeding after failing

I like Sean a lot. He’s from Chicago, and he struggled for years trying to build products. Then he wrote this book, and it took off. You'll hear his story, and how he succeeded after lots of failures.

· 38:22


Ok, so ages ago I interviewed Sean Fioritto, the author of Sketching with CSS. I like Sean a lot. He’s from Chicago, and he struggled for years trying to build products. Then he wrote this book, and it took off. You’ll hear his story, and how he succeeded after lots of failures.

I haven’t put out an episode in awhile. I have a bunch recorded but I haven’t had time to edit them and put them out. I’ve just been slammed: haven’t had time or energy for anything. It’s been pedal to the metal at work – we’re dealing with that Canadian Anti-Spam Legislation right now. Geez. And at home, there’s just always stuff to bring the kids to, appointments, classes, activities. So I’ve been drained!

Anyways. I’m hoping to put an end to this Product People drought, and start releasing episodes every Thursday now. So subscribe, and watch for new episode every Thursday.

On that topic. I’ve got a landing page up for something new: it’s called Product People Club. Go to productpeople.club on the internet, and sign up for the waiting list because I’ll have something to announce shortly.

Notable quotes:

  • “There’s a lot of different failure modes, and I’ve pretty much done all of them.” – Sean Fioritto
  • “I’ve got to give Amy Hoy and 30×500 for giving me the right structure for building products. The main thing I figured out is you can’t start with an idea.” – Sean Fioritto
  • “Starting with an idea is a self-centered way to build a product.” – Sean Fioritto
  • “If you’re a bootstrapper, you don’t have time to waste.” – Sean Fioritto

Show notes

Justin Jackson

PS: By the way, this interview is available in full video in my upcoming book:  Marketing for DevelopersClick here to sign-up for updates (and get a sample PDF).

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Creators and Guests

Justin Jackson
Justin Jackson
⚡ Bootstrapping, podcasting, calm companies, business ethics. Co-founder of @transistorfm (podcast hosting).


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